When I were a lad, the Hell's Angels where really feckin' dead hard and scary. They used to hang around the Giffard and the SU (it was a mere polytechnic back then). I knew someone who got (very seriously) beaten up for sitting on one of their motorbikes, and I've seen one of them empty the SU bar by standing up from the inert body of the guy he'd just beaten up and saying, "Who's next then?" (NB. if they beat you up and you survived, you were then their mate, and they would always buy you drinks and kill anyone you asked them to). Did you know there is still a chapter of Hell's Angels in W'ton? They're all of pensionable age and live in a fortified house in Penn. They have an annual bonfire and a charity open day; and Hell's Angels MC has a beautifully designed website,http://www.hells-angels.com/. Bunch of ageing pussies.
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