Thursday, 10 May 2007

The End

Final entry. Comment on the module. It wasn't really bad enough was it? A bit tame. A bit dull. And that lecture room is too big. And it's too warm. And many of the class members were incredibly rude. But still I feel I've learned something. We've been through so much together, and in spite of everything I'm gonna miss you guys. Golly, I hate goodbyes. No, don't hug me, I'll only cry. So long. Take care. Keep in touch. Love you.
(Picture is Frankenmonkey, and your final link is

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

You've Gotta Have Faith

Drink, drugs, gambling, shoplifting, stuff and nonsense, blah blah blah, etc - I've not felt compelled to comment on loads of stuff. Religion; that's different. Well not so much religion, more faith, or perhaps belief. I believe in two things. I believe in love, and I believe in rock'n'roll. I can apply the two to anything. Can't be arsed to explain anymore. If you want to join the Church of Rock'n'Roll Love; seek me out my children.
Todays link is It's even better if you can track it down and listen to it.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Black Rebel Retirement Home

When I were a lad, the Hell's Angels where really feckin' dead hard and scary. They used to hang around the Giffard and the SU (it was a mere polytechnic back then). I knew someone who got (very seriously) beaten up for sitting on one of their motorbikes, and I've seen one of them empty the SU bar by standing up from the inert body of the guy he'd just beaten up and saying, "Who's next then?" (NB. if they beat you up and you survived, you were then their mate, and they would always buy you drinks and kill anyone you asked them to). Did you know there is still a chapter of Hell's Angels in W'ton? They're all of pensionable age and live in a fortified house in Penn. They have an annual bonfire and a charity open day; and Hell's Angels MC has a beautifully designed website, Bunch of ageing pussies.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Hammer Time

I just remembered something really bad. Back in the 80s I saw a documentary about some African dictatorship. (Sorry, can't remember exactly which one). Anyway, in the prisons under this regime, a popular pastime for the guards invovled two political prisoners and a hammer. Sit them on the floor, give one of them the hammer and tell them to beat the other person to death with it. If he refuses or hesitates, you give the hammer to the other guy. It raises several interesting philosophical issues. What would you do? Who the fuck thought it up? Don't think about it too long though; it's the sort of thing that can mess your head up. do their best to prevent such things from happening again.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

Comment on Theatre of Cruelty

Need to do one more comment on someone elses blog. Looked down the list of shared URLS, found one called Theatre of Cruelty, Much more intriguing title than the mundane variations on 'My Being Bad Blog' that most of you vibrant, imaginative young people have gone for. Had a look, found an entry (6th May) Sex with a Lecturer? Just the title; no words, no picture, no links, no nothing. I'm intrigued. Fact or fantasy? And which lecturer? Like I said, I'm intrigued, I'll be back to find out more.

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Goodbye Cruel World

"I'm leaving because I'm bored."
Actor George Sanders' suicide note.
Killing yourself; there's a bit of aberrant behaviour we haven't had a lecture on. Everyone's thought about it, but there's a line between 'I wish I was dead' and 'I wish I was dead, I'll do something to make it happen.' Very few people cross that line. What's going on in the head of someone if they're prepared to take that step? Is suicide just the ultimate selfish act? If you're thinking of topping yourself covers the common methods and your chances of success.
Picture is the actor Al Mulock in the opening sequence of Sergio Leone's classic Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). After finishing filming, Al went back to his hotel and killed himself by jumping from a window, still wearing his cowboy costume. Cool, huh?

Friday, 4 May 2007


Need to add another entry. Can't really think of anything to say. Outlaws; there a bit sexy aren't they? Appeal to the rebel in us. The picture is of Klaus Kinski playing the baddie in a film called The Big Silence (1968). Interesting film; the bad guys win. They kill the hero, his girlfriend, and massacre a saloon full of innocent hostages, then they ride off laughing. It's a lot more shocking than anything in that Kids crap they made us watch. (Though I have just spoiled the end for you). Visit Shobary's Spaghetti Westerns at to find out more.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Comment on Luke - Being Bad

Just been looking at, particularly the entries for 1st and 2nd March; the ones about car vandalism, and the horrid way those beastly unemployed people behave. Jeez man, lighten up. I'm sorry, but you sound like some retired old colonel from the home counties (you know, a 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' type). You're young. You should be eager, hungry for life and knowledge, not a moaning old git. And your idea about dressing the poor in the cheapest polyester crap from Asda is well dodgy.
Cheer yourself up, visit, they've got loads of pictures of really expensive cars, fucked up beyond belief.
Picture in the top corner has nothing to do with anything; it's just pretty groovy. I took it. It's a derelict house, just up the road from my place, that they found a dead tramp in.