"I'm leaving because I'm bored."
Actor George Sanders' suicide note.
Killing yourself; there's a bit of aberrant behaviour we haven't had a lecture on. Everyone's thought about it, but there's a line between
'I wish I was dead' and
'I wish I was dead, I'll do something to make it happen.' Very few people cross that line. What's going on in the head of someone if they're prepared to take that step? Is suicide just the ultimate selfish act? If you're thinking of topping yourself
http://www.satanservice.org/coe/suicide/metaguide.html covers the common methods and your chances of success.
Picture is the actor Al Mulock in the opening sequence of Sergio Leone's classic Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). After finishing filming, Al went back to his hotel and killed himself by jumping from a window, still wearing his cowboy costume. Cool, huh?