Your parents, teachers, and even the government have all been lying to you. Contrary to what they may have told you, smoking
is big, and it
is clever. In fact it's COOL AS FUCK. Let's just examine the evidence. Humphrey Bogart - chainsmoking, immortal icon of cool. Tom Cruise - non-smoking, health concious, scientologist dork. Sticking with the movie theme, I'm old enough to remember when you could smoke in the cinema. Words cannot describe the magic of dragging on a fag whilst watching a great film, with the smoke curling up into the beam from the projector. And what about cool smoking accessories? Nothing beats the clunk/ping (cling?punk?) of a shiny Zippo lighter in action. Check 'em out at
http://www.zippo.com. I haven't had a cigarette for five years, (I was a 40 a day guy), but I still refuse to class myself as a non-smoker. Sure, it kills you, and those around you. Small price to pay for something so wonderful.